conducting Sugar & Health -Webinar
It is exactly a year ago that was conceptualised with the aim to build a knowledge-centric community of nutrition seekers, health fanatics, food connoisseurs and allied set of like-minded individuals who would like to understand and know more about this essential commodity- “SUGAR”
While sugar consumed in moderation is part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle, there is a lot of misinformation floating all around. On the occasion of 1st anniversary an ISMA initiative, a webinar on Sugar & Health was conducted on 17th Nov, 2021 with the various experts shedding light on the subject.
The Panelists were: -
1. Ms Aditi Shah- is a nutritionist, holding a Masters degree in Foods and Nutrition (Dietetics). She has served in UNICEF Madhya Pradesh and Gujrat until 2016 as a Child Development and Nutrition Consultant. She has trained medics and paramedics in Infant and Young Child feeding practices, severe acute malnutrition and Vit A supplementation.
Some of her specialities include:- Child Nutrition Consultancy, Antenatal Nutrition Counselling, Thyroid Nutrition Therapy, Lifestyle Management for Adolescents and Nutritional advice for school-aged children.
2. Dr Mudit Sabharwal- is an internationally active medical professional and has been a principal investigator in various studies and trials on Diabetes management in India. His areas of special interest include Type 2 Diabetes Management, Gestational Diabetes, Metabolic Syndromes and Thyroid disorders.
Dr. Mudit is also a visiting Consultant Diabetologist at Sitaram Bhartiya Super Speciality Hospital and Head of Medical Affairs at BeatO (Health Arx Technologies Pvt. Ltd).
3. Ms Deepika Lalwani- is a certified fitness coach, Yoga trainer, nutritionist and hypnotherapist with 10 years of experience in the field of fitness. She recently won the title of Female Fitness model in the prestigious competition Body Power Fit Factor, Feb 2020.She is a proud mother of a 11-year-old and has been practicing Yoga since childhood. She is successfully training people from all walks of life, from marathoners and cyclists to singers, actors, and other people from the TV and film fraternity. Her client list also includes new-moms and women having PCOD and PCOS issues, teenage kids and preteens.
Quotes from the Speakers: Aditi Shah
“Critical component would be macronutrient and micronutrient in a plate for children or adults…. Carbs play a vital role in a food pyramid considering India is placed at 101th List of Hunger index in the world with 1st on the list being least hunger population in a country”.
According to WHO guidelines children of different age groups 1-3 years, 4-6 years, and 7-9 years can consume 15 gm/d, 20gm/d and 25 gm/day of added sugar.” Aditi Shah.
“We need to have carbs but in the correct form, quantity, and quality.” Aditi Shah Dr Mudit Sabharwal “…as per ADA, one can eat sweets in moderation as a part of the healthful diabetic plan combined with exercise”. “Sugar causes Diabetics is purely a myth. It is multi-factorial. If you eat more, you exercise more. It is as simple as it is”
Deepika Lalwani
“I would like to start with the stamenent- ‘Sugar by itself does not make you fat or obese’. A weight gain or obesity only happens when there are other things involve like genetic factor, amount of activity you do physically, what kind of environment you live in….Lets not blame it entirely on Sugar.” Eating a balanced diet coupled with yoga or exercise will help you in keeping fit”.