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Media Release - Estimates of sugar production in 2013-14
09 Jul 2013
Event Pdf:
media release-esti-2013-14.pdf
On the basis of the satellite images of cane acreage across the country in June 2013, ISMA has prepared its
preliminary estimates
of cane acreage available for harvesting in 2013-14 sugar season beginning from Oct, 2013.
It is estimated that the total acreage under sugarcane available for the crushing in the sugar season 2013-14, will be about 51.50 lakh hectares, which is about 1.52% less than last year of 52.30 lakh hectares.
The acreage report is not only based on the satellite images of month June, 2013, but has also been supplemented by detailed field surveys conducted by ISMA research team on crop growth, plantation/ rainfall pattern, situation of reservoirs, input applications on the crop etc.
The reported sugarcane acreage of ISMA is however, about 8% higher as compared to the estimated figures of Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, as released on 26
June, 2013. The difference might be due to the fact that Ministry of Agriculture's reported figures are based on still ongoing field survey in couple of states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and other sub-tropical zones, where the crushing season last year i.e. in 2012-13, started late than usual and therefore, the survey is still not complete.
The Committee of ISMA discussed the details of the estimated cane acreage and trends of sowing, weather conditions, good monsoon etc., in its meeting held in Bengaluru on 9th July, 2013. Accordingly, ISMA in its preliminary estimates for the sugar season 2013-14, has estimated 237 lakh tons of sugar production. This is about 5% lower than the expected sugar production of 2012-13 of 250 lakh tons.
It is estimated that Uttar Pradesh will have record high sugarcane acreage in this season, which is about 3.1% higher than last year. Despite having huge sugarcane arrears of about Rs.4000 crore in July, 2013, substantially higher sugarcane prices in comparison to other competing crops in Uttar Pradesh like wheat and paddy, has not only kept the farmers interested in sugarcane in the season 2013-14, but also attracted more farmers from other crops.
Other sub-tropical states like Haryana, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh etc. are also showing an upward trend in sugarcane acreage over last year.
However, due to drought in Maharashtra last year, there has seen lower cane sowing there, and it is estimated that there would be 12.5% lesser sugarcane crop acreage over last year. The impact of last year's lesser rainfall available for the 15-18 month crop viz. adsali & pre-seasonal crop plantation, actually impacted the overall acreage in 2013-14.
Similarly, Karnataka also shows lesser acreage of about 8% as compared to last year.
However, the worst affected State amongst the tropical States is Tamil Nadu, which actually received lesser rainfall in their both last rainfall season’s i.e. south west monsoon (June- Sep) and North east monsoon( Oct- Dec) in 2012-13. TN shows 15-16% lesser acreage under sugarcane crop over last year.
As per the sugar production, consumption and imports in the current season 2012-13, ISMA has estimated that the opening balance as on 1
Oct, 2013 i.e. for the new season 2013-14, will be around 80 lakh tons, which is about 20 lakh tons more than the normative opening balance that the Government would like to have.
ISMA will review this 2013-14 sugar production preliminary estimates of 237 lakh tons again (based on August, 2013 satellite images) and come up with their 1st advance estimates before the commencement of the crushing season of 2013-14.
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