Sugar production till 30th November, 2018 in the current 2018-19 SS is 39.73 lac tons, which was 39.14 lac tons last year on 30th November 2017. As compared to 450 sugar factories which were crushing sugarcane last year on 30th November, 2017, 415 sugar mills are crushing sugarcane on 30th November, 2018 this year.
In Maharashtra, 167 sugar mills have started crushing operations and are running in full swing. As on 30th November, 2018, these mills have produced 18.05 lac tons, 21% higher than the sugar production of last year on the same date.
In the case of Uttar Pradesh 109 sugar mills were crushing sugarcane on 30th November, 2018 and have produced 9.50 lac tons till that date. At the end of November, 2017 last year, 108 sugar mills were crushing in Uttar Pradesh who had produced 13.11 lac tons. Sugar production this year is slow as compared to last year because in the current season, sugar mills had a delayed start of crushing by a fortnight or so.
In the State of Karnataka 63 sugar mills were crushing on 30th November, 2018 and 7.93 lac tons of sugar was produced. As compared to this, last year as on 30th November, 2017, 62 sugar mills were operating this time who had produced 7.02 lac tons of sugar.
In Gujarat, 16 sugar mills were crushing on 30th November, 2018 and they have produced 1.95 lac tons of sugar. Last year on 30th November, 2017, 17 mills were in operation and they had produced 1.78 lac tons of sugar.
Crushing operations in all the other States have also begun and slowly and slowly the pace of crushing is picking up. About 60 sugar mills are operating in other States who have produced 2.30 lac tons in this season upto 30th November, 2018, which in the previous season was 2.35 lac tons, when 91 mills were operating as on 30th November, 2017.